How many points is my Arizona traffic violation? How many points will go on my driving record for this violation? How many points do I get for this ticket in Arizona? How many points can I get before Arizona Motor Vehicles Division (MVD) suspends my driver’s license? What are points? How many points can I have on my license? These are common questions that people ask me almost every day. I wanted to take a moment to answer these questions and list a few common violations and the accompanying points that MVD assesses to an individual’s driving record for those violations.
Arizona law requires the Motor Vehicles Division (MVD) to assess points to a motorist for judgments or convictions for certain violations of Arizona law. These points go on your Motor Vehicle Record (MVR). It is the accumulation of points that dictates action by MVD. The number of points required for MVD to take action against your driving privilege may depend on your age and driving record. For example if you are under 18 years of age the number of points you can accumulate before MVD suspends your driving privilege is different than if you are 21 years of age. Also certain violations require the attendance of Traffic Survival School (TSS). Once you have attended TSS, if you receive any points in the following 24 months MVD will suspend your driving privileges regardless of the total number of points on your Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) or the number of previous violations. (see Something to Consider Before you Plead Responsible to a Red Light Violation in Arizona in this blog) also (see Defensive Driving School vs. Traffic Survival School in this blog)
Here are a few common violations and the points associated with being found responsible or guilty for these violations:
Violation / Description / Points
28-644A1 / Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device / 2
28-645A3a / Failure to Stop for a Red Light / 2
28-693 / Reckless Driving / 8
28-695 Aggressive Driving 8
28-701A / Speed not Reasonable and Prudent / 3
28-701.02 / Excessive Speed / 3
28-708A / Racing on Highways / 8
28-730A / Following too Closely / 2
28-797E / Speed Greater than 15 MPH in a School Crossing / 2
28-1381A1 / DUI / 8
28-1381A2 / DUI .08% or more / 8
28-1381A3 / DUI Drugs / 8
28-1382 / Extreme DUI / 8