We’ve all been there before. You’re coming up to a stoplight, and it’s green. Right at the crucial moment, it turns yellow. You’re stuck in this awkward zone where you’re too far away to make it through before the light turns red at your current speed, but you’re also going so fast that you’d essentially have to recklessly stomp on your brakes to stop inContinue reading
Month: March 2020
Should you hit the brakes when you see a police car?
Say you’re driving down the road, a mile or two per hour over the legal limit. Maybe you’re driving right at the limit. When you see a police car on the side of the road, do you still hit your brakes? A lot of people do. It’s one of the psychological impacts that the police have on the general public. We all tend to feel like weContinue reading
What driving mistakes can lead to criminal charges?
In Arizona, most traffic violations involve simple civil ticketing. In other words, those who break the law will wind up fined and could have a few extra points on their license. Otherwise, they can generally go on with their lives mostly uninterrupted. However, there are situations in which the state of Arizona will decide to treat a speeding infraction like a more serious criminal offense,Continue reading