The crime of Felony Racing on Highways in Arizona is something that may not be familiar to many people including some law enforcement officials. What is Felony Racing? While some Arizonans may be acquainted with the crime of Racing, fewer are familiar with the crime of Felony Racing. The crime of Racing is normally charged as a class 1 misdemeanor. In Arizona, Felony Racing isContinue reading
Gilbert, AZ Criminal Defense Law Blog
Aggravated DUI in Arizona
What is an Aggravated DUI? In Arizona, Aggravated Driving Under the Influence (Aggravated DUI) is a felony offense. (see Consequences of a Felony Conviction in this blog) In an Aggravated DUI, the elements of DUI remain the same as for a misdemeanor DUI. (see Driving Under the Influence in Arizona in this blog) To be Aggravated however, the State must prove in addition to the elements of DUI oneContinue reading
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Arizona
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Arizona is not just a traffic ticket. It is a crime. In Arizona DUI is a class 1 misdemeanor which is the most serious of the three categories of misdemeanors in Arizona. Arizona drivers should be educated as to what constitutes a DUI under Arizona law to avoid criminal consequences. A driver or someone in actual control of aContinue reading
Consequences of Aggravated DUI in Arizona
This is a discussion of the consequences and penalties for a class 4 Aggravated DUI in Arizona. (see What is Aggravated DUI? in this blog) For consequences and penalties for a class 6 Aggravated DUI (seeConsequences of DUI with Kids in the Car in this blog) There are many serious consequences for an Aggravated DUI conviction in Arizona. What are the consequences of Aggravated DUI? If you areContinue reading
What is Aggressive Driving?
In Arizona, Aggressive Driving is a crime. What is Aggressive Driving? The crime of Aggressive Driving is defined as a progression of unlawful driving that involves: 1) Speeding and at least two of the following violations: Failure to obey a traffic control device. Passing another vehicle on the right by driving off the main traveled portion of the roadway. Unsafe lane change. Following a vehicleContinue reading
Consequences of Excessive Speeding / Criminal Speeding in Arizona?
What are the consequences of Excessive Speeding or Criminal Speeding? First of all, What is Excessive Speeding? What is Criminal Speeding? Is there a difference between Excessive Speeding and Criminal Speeding? Actually they are two different names for the same thing. Many motorists in Arizona are surprised to find themselves charged with a criminal offense for Speeding. In the statutes it is officially titled ExcessiveContinue reading
Consequences of Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Arizona
Arizona motorists should be aware of the consequences of Leaving the Scene of an Accident. Leaving the Scene of an Accident is a crime and is also sometimes referred to as Hit and Run. The consequences of Hit and Run are the same as the consequences of Leaving the Scene of an Accident. They are just two different names for the same crime. Officially underContinue reading
Consequences of a Felony Conviction in Arizona
Consequences of a felony conviction can have a very negative impact on many aspects of your life. In Arizona, there are six (6) classes of felonies. A class six (6) felony is the least serious, with a class one (1) felony being the most serious. A felony is usually defined as a crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than a year, or aContinue reading
DUI with Kids in the Car (Aggravated DUI) in Arizona
Many people are surprised to find themselves charged with a felony after being stopped and charged with their very first DUI. In Arizona if the State can prove the elements of DUI and additionally that you had a child under fifteen (15) years of age in the vehicle at the time, then you will find yourself facing a felony. Consequences of a felony conviction canContinue reading
Defensive Driving School (DDS) vs. Traffic Survival School (TSS) in Arizona. What is the Difference?
In Arizona it is important to discuss Defensive Driving School (DSS) vs. Traffic Survival School (TSS). People often refer to “traffic school” when they are referring to two very different courses. In Arizona, Defensive Driving School (DDS) is different from Traffic Survival School (TSS). You may be eligible to take a Defensive Driving School (DDS) course to remove a violation from your driving record otherwiseContinue reading