A conviction for certain moving violations can add points to your license. At eight points or higher, you may face repercussions from the Arizona Motor Vehicle Department. The Arizona Point System of offenses includes criminal speeding as a 3-point offense. The full range of point offenses includes: 0 points. Dismissal of charges 0 points. Non-moving violations 2 points. All other moving violations not listed belowContinue reading
Category Archives: Criminal traffic violation
Arizona Driving Privileges, and How to Get Them Back
My Arizona Driver’s License Was Suspended: What Do I Do Now? For most of us, having access to a car is our livelihood. We need a car to get back and forth to work, we need a car to make sure the kids get to school, and we need a car to get groceries. That is why having your license suspended or revoked can haveContinue reading
Can you break the speed limit to pass?
Many people break the speed limit when passing another car. For instance, the front car may be driving at 50 miles per hour in a 55-mph zone. The rear car catches up. When they reach a passing zone, that driver just puts the gas to the floor. They hit 70 mph as they pass, then slow back down to 55 once they change back into theContinue reading
Don’t drive aggressively, or you could face trouble
You were in a rush to get home after work, and you were frustrated by the person who was driving ahead of you. They were traveling 10 mph below the speed limit and kept weaving in and out of their lane. You decided that the best thing you could do would be to get around them. You sped up and went onto the shoulder toContinue reading
What if you run from a traffic stop in Arizona?
For most people, seeing the flashing lights of a police car come on behind them means it is time to look for a safe place to pull over. They do it immediately. But what if you decide not to stop? If they do eventually catch you, what type of ramifications could you face? Under Arizona law, failure to stop is a class 2 misdemeanor. YouContinue reading
Street racing can lead to far more than a speeding ticket
Street racing is quite popular across Arizona and in Phoenix specifically. Races disrupt the flow of traffic by blocking off roads from normal traffic. Since the drivers engage in dangerous behaviors while racing and exceed the posted speed limits, there is also substantial risk of injury to the participant and other people nearby, as well as the risk of significant property damage, especially if someoneContinue reading
What if a police officer is wrong about a traffic ticket?
A police officer pulls you over and gives you a traffic ticket, but they’re simply wrong about what they think happened. You try to explain it to them, doing your best to keep your cool, but they don’t believe you. They give you the ticket anyway. For instance, maybe they claim that you were not wearing your seat belt. You point out that you haveContinue reading
What constitutes criminal or excessive speeding in Arizona?
Speeding is arguably the most common criminal offense in Arizona. It is one of the only crimes that most people will readily admit to engaging in not just occasionally but habitually. After all, in most cases, speeding is a civil infraction, rather than a real crime, and despite its correlation with deadly crashes, people view it as a victimless personal decision. However, criminal charges canContinue reading
What is the ‘Move Over’ law?
Do you know that Arizona has a “Move Over” law that requires you to change lanes or slow down when passing an emergency vehicle, such as a police car, that’s stopped at the side of the road? If you didn’t, you’re far from alone. Arizona Revised Statute 28-775 put the “Move Over” law in to place in response to increased awareness about the dangers posed to bothContinue reading
The benefits of enrolling in traffic school
You thought the speed limit was 45, but as it turns out, that was two streets back. Now you’re staring at the yellow page of a traffic ticket. While in court, you hear the judge mention traffic school being a possibility. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider this an option: It could help with your overall driving knowledge Taking a trafficContinue reading