Category Archives: Firm News

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Criminal Speeding Charge?

You may be surprised to find yourself charged with a crime for speeding. Many Arizona drivers are unaware that such a crime exits. If you would like a detailed definition and explanation of Criminal Speeding (see Consequences of Excessive (Criminal) Speeding in this blog) Basically, if the State can prove that you were in excess of 85 mph or speeding 20 mph or more over the postedContinue reading

Options If You Have Received a Traffic Ticket

You have received an Arizona traffic ticket. Now what? People often want to know what options are available to them after receiving a traffic ticket. First, we need to be clear about the difference in Arizona between a criminal traffic and a civil traffic ticket. (see The Difference Between a Criminal Traffic and Civil Traffic Case in this blog) The options listed below apply to a civilContinue reading

Driver’s License Suspension vs. Revocation in Arizona

In Arizona is there a difference between your driver’s license being suspended vs. revoked? What is the difference between a driver’s license suspension and a revocation? In Arizona, it is important to understand that driving is a privilege governed by the State through the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Motor Vehicles Division (MVD). Driving is not a right. Arizona courts hear both civil and criminalContinue reading

Driving on a Suspended License in Arizona

In Arizona, Driving on a Suspended License is a crime. The crime of Driving on a Suspended License is a class 1 misdemeanor. (see Misdemeanors in Arizona in this blog) Driving While Suspended requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The elements of the crime of Driving on a Suspended License are met anytime the State can prove you knowingly operated a motor vehicle while your license wasContinue reading

The Crime of Unlawful Flight

What is the crime of Unlawful Flight in Arizona? In Arizona, Unlawful Flight is also known as and sometimes called ‘Felony Flight’. However, it is officially titled Unlawful Flight in the Arizona statutes and is a class 5 felony. (see Consequences of a Felony Conviction in this blog) The crime of Unlawful Flight can be charged where the State can prove that the driver of a vehicleContinue reading

A Class 6 Undesignated Felony Offense, also known as a ‘6-Open’ in Arizona

What is a class 6 undesignated felony offense? A class 6 undesignated felony offense, is also frequently referred to as a 6-open felony. In Arizona, at the time of sentencing for a class 6 felony offense a judge may leave the offense undesignated. This means that the offense has not yet been designated a felony conviction. In other words the felony designation is suspended orContinue reading

Misdemeanors in Arizona

What is a misdemeanor? First of all it is important to understand that it is a crime subjecting you to criminal prosecution and a criminal record. Historically misdemeanors have been defined as a criminal offense which is punishable by a sentence of incarceration for not more than a year. In Arizona, you cannot receive more than six (6) months for a misdemeanor conviction. Consequences ofContinue reading

Felony Racing in Arizona

The crime of Felony Racing on Highways in Arizona is something that may not be familiar to many people including some law enforcement officials. What is Felony Racing? While some Arizonans may be acquainted with the crime of Racing, fewer are familiar with the crime of Felony Racing. The crime of Racing is normally charged as a class 1 misdemeanor. In Arizona, Felony Racing isContinue reading